The online information demands are treated in apply of( art.13 of national privacy policy laws). We will process your personal data in manual, electric, automated way: in reply of your request of information and for yoor process during your shop online For activities, like promotions/informations Your personal data could be transmitted to third party just in agreement to your request, (company of posting, companies of telematic/informatical support) With the exception of data gathered to allow consultation, the user is free to refuse to supply personal data required for the execution of his/her specific requests.This refusal may result in the impossibility to fulfil the user’s request.You may exercise your rights at any time in respect of the person responsible for data-handling, according to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, The person concerned has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him or her, even though it may not yet have been recorded, and to have it communicated in an intelligible form. The owner of the data-handling is STEX snc – Via Funivia, 34 - 23032 BORMIO (SO)

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